Waving to Daddy. Because of his schedule he doesn't get to come to this things very often..
so this was special.
Two thumbs up!!
Links to the songs they sang and Mrs. Melody giving her the award. Sorry blogger is not being very cooperative.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QRQ6qYQsiHI (this is the video of them singing)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1v8d-2ihFEI (video of award)
After the songs and awards were given out each classroom teacher handed out a memory book about each child and what they had done during the year. The book alone was darling, but the fact that 75% of the photos have Kody and Timothy together is even more precious! I know they will miss each other in the fall. But they have VBS the last week of June.. so I know they will be soo excited!!