Wow! Look at me it's only one day after Easter and I am posting Easter photos! Don't ask me about soccer, just don't.
Back to Easter, despite trying to make it easy for myself this year and asking the "Easter Bunny" to not bring so much candy and to put quarters in the eggs for the egg hunt, not having any company, and honestly not going overboard.. somehow I managed to feel the same way as if I had gone overboard! I can't lose to win! hee-hee.
Here are a few of the photos from the day! I hope everyone had a good Easter, whether it was full of people or just peaceful and quiet.. like ours!
Monty wasn't feeling good, but I did force him to come outside a take a photo! |
This what the kids do, when I tell them to be serious. Really? |
I love my kids, and I love this photo of the two of them! |
My Peter-Leo, he even at the tender age of 10, is one of my rocks! |
Kody, my little miss bossy sunshine! She is quite the character! |
Peter-Leo, me and Kody. The Power of three!
Tag! You're It!