Friday, October 26, 2012

The Mighty 8th Air Force Museum

Last week, on one of Daddy's days off, we took the kids to the Mighty 8th Air Force Museum in Savannah.  It had been a five or so years since I took Peter-Leo, so it was the first time for Daddy and Kody.  They have done so much work in that time! Here are some photos from our day!

Daddy helping Kody look inside!

Kody and Peter-Leo in front of a MIG-something cockpit.

Kody, mad because I told her to stand nice, and Peter-Leo outside by the aircraft.

The Mighty 8th Air Force Museum was a wonderful testament to how strong, courageous the men and women were, are and will be!

Afterwards, we went to lunch and bowling.. here are those photos.

I guess no one liked my outfit.. too matchy-matchy! Should have saved it for the links! haha!

The ever happy and silly Kody.

Handsome and brillant Peter-Leo

Even with the bumpers up...
Kody still managed to get her bowl stuck in the gutter!! haha!

Monty picking up the spare! woot woot!
All in all it was a very nice day out with the entire family. It isn't very often that Monty gets to come along..he is usually working.

Tag! You're It!