Saturday, September 17, 2011

not much to report...

And I honestly mean that. Of course if you were my Dad I could totally ramble on and on and on, because that is the way my Dad and I roll. He just lets me blabber away! Gotta love that.

Here is the quick update;

Peter-Leo is good well in school and gifted class. Still loves legos still love soccer. He is doing really well in soccer too. 

Kody is doing better after a week or so of normal 4-5 year old concept of personal space which is zero. And being bossy. She is doing better... and has finally moved out of the music center and playing in other areas in class.  I think her teacher is making her choose somewhere else to play... not just music.

Monty is doing ok too. Although he swears "bear claws with sliced almonds" is not a doughnut.. it is pastry. So as a cop he is allowed to eat them. ppfttt!!

Michelle.. me? Well I am still waiting on financial aid to figure itself out so I can start soon. Working on my crafts and being a mom.

tag you're it!

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

new name, new blogger address, same old stuff!!

So, recently my accounts have been hacked into and stuff moved about and missing. So I have had to change mostly.. everything. I am sorry for the interuption in service all in all it is for the best. 

So, if you didn't get the email my apologizes. 

Check back soon for more madness!!

tag you're it!

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Fall Soccer kicks off with a WIN!

Today was the first game of the fall soccer season and boy was it a good one! Both teams played well and I am so proud of Peter-Leo for really putting forth all his might and trying to be more aggressive! He did great.  His team, The Chicago Fire, named after the MLS (Major League Soccer) team played super.  I still do not have a camera, so the photos are before and after shots.

Peter-Leo looking good!

The St. Mary's Fire Department brought out one of their firetrucks to support all the Chicago Fire soccer teams and so we got a photo after the game!!

Peter-Leo and teammate Phil they are also in the same class at school!

Sunday, September 4, 2011

Our red headed step child got married...

years ago..  Monty and Everrett became BFFs. Everrett's wife, Dana and I became BFFs. Their children (two girls) became our children and our children theirs. Our families love each other.  I always say, Tia & Erin (Everrett and Dana's girls) are Peter-Leo and Kody's older sisters.  We love them.  Monty lovingly refers to Tia as the "red headed step child." hence the title of the post. And she really got married Friday night!! (insert a happy sob) 

Tia and Roger exchanging vows.

Tia and I.. isn't she just pretty!! I met her back in 2004!!

All the mommas Dana (her actual mother), Amy and I.

This is Kody and Roger dancing. He was such a good sport and so sweet with her.
no, he is not on stilts he is just that tall!

Tia and Kody dancing (the girl in the red dress is Erin.)
Tia & Kody grew very close when Tia lived with us for a bit. 

Tia and Kody were bunk mates when she lived with us. In that time, Kody became very attached to Tia. So much so that anytime she gets into trouble or sad.. she asks for Tia. "I want Tia.. I need Tia."

Still can not believe Tia is married. Where did the time go! Best wishes and may God bless Tia and Roger with much happiness!! We love you two!!

Michelle & Monty

Parris Island and Hunting Island Lighthouse

What a great weekend, so far. Friday night we had Tia & Roger's wedding and Saturday morning the kids and I woke up and went to visit the Parris Island Museum and Hunting Island Park which included a lighthouse and beach.
Next, thing.. I know the photos have the date 1/2/2007 on them, I had to use Monty's camera and did not know it had a date stamp feature.. so we are kind of stuck with it.

The kids on the stairs to the entrance to the lighthouse. We walked up 9 levels and 160+ stairs to reach the top.

The view from the walkway of the lighthouse. It was so beautiful.

Me and Kody on the walkabout of the lighthouse, this photo was taken after she looked down over the rails!
 "Yes it was high up from the ground!"

On our way down, I think is was the 6th level.

looking down from the top level of the lighthouse!!

Peter-Leo and Kody in front of the Parris Island Museum; so much history here.
Almost made me what to be a marine.. but not enough!

One part of the museum included this cockpit of the ejection part of the aircraft..
 they both thought it funny to pretend that they were on the front of it while it was in flight.

Overall, we had a good time in Beaufort South Carolina, between today and Tia & Roger's wedding the memories were priceless!!