Sunday, September 4, 2011

Our red headed step child got married...

years ago..  Monty and Everrett became BFFs. Everrett's wife, Dana and I became BFFs. Their children (two girls) became our children and our children theirs. Our families love each other.  I always say, Tia & Erin (Everrett and Dana's girls) are Peter-Leo and Kody's older sisters.  We love them.  Monty lovingly refers to Tia as the "red headed step child." hence the title of the post. And she really got married Friday night!! (insert a happy sob) 

Tia and Roger exchanging vows.

Tia and I.. isn't she just pretty!! I met her back in 2004!!

All the mommas Dana (her actual mother), Amy and I.

This is Kody and Roger dancing. He was such a good sport and so sweet with her.
no, he is not on stilts he is just that tall!

Tia and Kody dancing (the girl in the red dress is Erin.)
Tia & Kody grew very close when Tia lived with us for a bit. 

Tia and Kody were bunk mates when she lived with us. In that time, Kody became very attached to Tia. So much so that anytime she gets into trouble or sad.. she asks for Tia. "I want Tia.. I need Tia."

Still can not believe Tia is married. Where did the time go! Best wishes and may God bless Tia and Roger with much happiness!! We love you two!!

Michelle & Monty