Sunday, July 1, 2012


These photos are from mid-June.  A few days after a massive week of thunderstorms and such, hence all the seaweed along the shore that you see in the photo below.  We literally had to clear a spot on the beach to set up our sun tent.

The kids played on one of the clearer spots of the beach while I set up the sun tent.

My sand castle MASTERPIECE! muhahahaha!!

Peter-Leo spent some of his time on shore building this "bridge" complete with sand car on the bridge. He even poured water under it to show us it was "stable."

I just about had the wave, but I started kicking too soon. Oh well it was still fun!
 Boogie boarding is a blast!

I would post more photos, but sadly they all kind of look the same as any of the previous beach photos!

Tag! You're It!