Throughout the summer the kids and I will be doing some cool science-y experiments. Here are a few that we have done so far... this day we did the classic baking soda and vinager! Plus, we made gak (aka slime.)
No matter what age they are.. boys like things that explode! lol. |
They got creative and added food coloring! |
The swirl of different "explosions" in Kody's foil pan! |
After a while, we flipped to complete a "lunar/mars" landscape.
We placed a generous layer of baking soda
and they dropped food coloring and vineager to create the crators. |
Some of them. |
After the baking soda and vineager we moved on to gak! Or slime. After making it, the played with this for hours... and even a few times over the next 3-4 days.
Kody mixing her GAK! She kept saying it isn't right.
To which Peter-Leo would respond... you have to keep mixing it! |
Peter-Leo having a blast with his GAK! |
He even discovered that it could be blown up like a balloon!!
Honestly, the next three photos should be up with the rest but Blogger is being rude and not doing what I want it too... so here they are..
Peter-Leo was impatient with the lunar landscaping..
so he took his tray outside and flooded it with the vineager! |
This is Kody very carefully dropping the vineager onto the baking soda. |
This is what happened to Kody very pretty lunar landscape once Peter-Leo
convinced her to dump a cup full of vineager onto it. Don't worry, she was still happy!
Well, that was one day... stay tuned for more!
Tag! You're It!