Tuesday, December 20, 2011

YAY! for an early Christmas present.. for me!

As many of you know. I am the ultimate snooper when it comes to presents. I do not like being surprised and because of that I find out what people are buying me ahead of time. Don't worry I have the most awesome "that is just what I want and I am totally surprised" face EVER! Honestly, I can't remember a single time when I wasn't really happy with whatever gift I got. I just want to know when I want to know not when you want me to know. Got that?

With that being said, Monty tried his best to hide my Christmas present. Let's just go through the steps of figuring this out. First, I have been wanting a new camera for a while... especially since my beloved little fuji camera's battery/SD card compartment lid snapped during the summer.  I duct taped it for a bit and a few months ago Monty saudered (check the spelling on that as I am not sure) two snap thingees on it.  And that worked great, until a few weeks ago when the ribbon stuff started separating from the snap and it wasn't holding it shut anymore. (Back to duct tape =( but I made do.)  But I have had my eye on this lovely little Canon Rebel as it was a good step up for me. 

Second, he told me that a box "would be coming next week and don't open it." Duh, that's like daring me to do it! Saying 'don't open it' translates to OPEN IT! QUICK!! (Which I promptly did when the box came!! )

Third, he also told me not to check the bank account. Umm hello I check it everyday. When I see a charge for x amount of money normally I would go to that website and search for things around that price range. Yes. I am that way. Get over it, it is all for fun. Sometimes I don't think the 'gift' is the actual gift as I usually have a greater joy trying to figure out what it is!

Fourth (and by far the funniest:) the dork left the ordering status up on his computer, so when I went to check my email on his computer. It was right there!! ORDER COMPLETE!  hahahahahaha!! silly boy!

Needless to say the last couple days I have been happily spending time trying to figure out how to use my new Canon Rebel EOS T3 high speed and fancy camera. Thanks sweetie!!

Tag! You're it!