Thursday, April 28, 2011

Peter-Leo's School Field Day..

I don't know why but it was extremely hard to get photos this year. I guess my mind was just somewhere else.. anywho. He had so much fun this morning at school. They did lots of relay races and then broke up into pairs and were able to go a number of different activities. The best part of this whole expereince is that as the kids were competing in the relay races, the two princpals were calling students by name! Now keep in mind that this was the 2nd and 3rd grade classes, with about 4 classrooms per grade and about 20 kids per classroom!  That is a lot of names to remember! It was nice to hear them yell out "Quick Peter pick it up and run!" or "Go Peter!!" and my favorite "WOOOO!! nice one Peter!" 
So here are a few photos!
 Peter-Leo and Donovan (his school buddy and neighborhood friend) doing the hula hoop race!
After all the relays the students paired up and were able to pick and choose different field activities on their own. Peter-Leo choose the soccer shoot out.

Peter-Leo and Donovan taking aim (what isn't in the photo is the soccer goal with 3 navy guys as targets!)

 Me and Peter-Leo, as we were leaving (Monty was hungry so we didn't stay to watch them play around.)
Peter-Leo and Donovan, he is the first friend Peter-Leo made when we moved here. Good to see they are still friends!

Monday, April 25, 2011

FHE: Resurrection Repeat

We did this FHE last week, but the kids and I wanted to do it again. The kids mostly liked the treat and I like the hands on part so that they understood the resurrection. Either way we both won. Again.

There are couple different sources around the web but basically the recipe is a can (8 count) of crescant rolls, cinnamon sugar, melted butter, and  8 large marshmallows.  Just google Resurrection Rolls and you should several versions.. pick the one that best suits your beliefs.

We read in John about the burial of the body (marshmallow) of the Savior, with the oils (melted butter) and spices (cinnamon sugar) and the linen (the crescant roll dough.) And then laid in the tomb (on the cookie sheet and into the oven.) 

While waiting we colored pictures and talked about how Mary found the empty tomb.
When they were done baking, I asked the kids if the marshmallow represents the Savior's body, will the marshmallow still be inside the dough?  Kody yelled a bold "NO! It went to heaven." And Peter-Leo well he gave our usual speech about the heat melting the marshmellow into the folds of the dough and..." well you get the point.
However, they both (ok all three of us) were thrilled when we opened our roll and there was NO marshmallow!


I hope everyone had a blessed Easter Sunday and that we all remembered why we celebrate this "holiday."
God bless!

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Kody and Daddy hit the fishing hole..

With things getting busier and busier it is more important than ever that the kids get to spend special time with each of us.  This morning Kody and Daddy decided to go fishing. Now, Peter-Leo and I are not so big on fishing. I don't mind going and burying my nose in a book but actually fishing.. not so much.

This is just one more piece of evidence that proves Kody is Monty's child.  She loves fishing.

First catch of the morning...

I think this is the third and final fish..
(it's on the left side of the photo-kind of blends in with the grassy area)
although Kody begrudging admitted that she also caught two sticks.

Now, normally I do not let Monty take photos and videos as he usually doesn't do well.  However, today he did well with the photos and even got this cute video of her catching a fish all by herself!!

I love that Kody and Monty share interests that are different from me.
It makes their daddy-daughter time just that much more special. 

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

As my SIL would say.. More updating..

because I can not come up with a catchy title.. or anything fancy for an opener.. so I figure I'd just do this posting all crazy.

First, of all. No I have not been to the beach recently. And yes, that sucks. I love the beach. I miss the beach.

And next, I am so excited that Peter-Leo's school district is offering three weeks of science summer camp for all gifted students. And I am so excited, almost as excited as he is. It should be so much fun.

I am getting better with this whole couponing thing. Today, I scored six power bars for 35 cents each. I got my almost everything on my shopping list discounted with a coupon. And I know I am not one of those extreme couponers, but I am starting.

Western Governers University is working with me and hopefully I will be able to start in the fall... on my way to a bachelors degree in Education. Now, now.. don't get your underwear in bunches.. I know I said I was done, but honestly, I haven't felt like doing anything else.  So, we will see if this pans out for me.

And lastly..
And you want to know why??? Fathead (aka the husband) was just called as the 1st counselor in our ward Bishopric. UGH. While I am super excited for him and the blessings this service will bring... it doesn't bring me any closer to home. And I am saddened by this.  
And yes, people, home is Washington State. With my Dad. Home is not Georgia, despite my love for the beaches here. IT IS NOT HOME.
Now with all of that said... I have accepted my fate and have moved forward.

And I am very excited to announce that Monty and I are expecting some big changes in the next several months.. we will keep ya'll posted.


Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Just another morning on the shore..

WOW! What a morning it was. I don't know why I am drawn to this ecosystem, but I love the ocean. I love the sea shore.  God has created such wonderful creatures! I must say everytime I go to the sea shore I find something that I am so amazed by and today was no exception. Check out my little video-

I found it way up shore and I orginally thought it was dead, but just a few seconds after I put it in the water it's little feelers came out! I know Diego would be so proud of me! LOL!
Here are a couple shots of it and another one I found.

And lastly, this is what I walked into at the beach, thankfully this "storm" aka drizzle of rain made all of the people leave the beach! It was all mine. ALL MINE!!

Saturday, April 9, 2011

seashells.. she makes seashell jewerly by the seashore!

Ok, so it wasn't by the sea shore. But a girl can dream right. Anywho. I am in th process of just playing around with the seashells and thought, if I take the moonsnail shells and link them together I could make a bracelet.. I wonder what it would look like... hmmm

I know it still needs some tweeking.. but it's a good start!!

And what about a necklace you say?? WELL.


I still have yet to find Ariel's magic shell that captured her voice.. nor have I seen half woman half octopus that are offering something for my voice.. I wonder should I be offended by that?

Friday, April 8, 2011

A chair.. A chair.. we finally found a chair!!

For most people this is a rather easy task.. but for Monty and I.. well.. it is a completely different story. Here is the list of must haves...
1. some form of Wingback style. (I like that style.)
2. reclining (and no I don't do those huge spinning reclining massive beasts that might as well as loveseats.) 3. and lastly, cheap. 
So, today while out looking for something completely different... I saw this little baby!!

While it will need to be recovered but it was a steal at 18$ and the best part.... 

 I. LOVE. IT. And so does Monty.. look he called his cop buddy Keith to tell him!!

Ok, so he didn't really call Keith to tell him about the chair.. they were sharing cop stories... but I know deep, deep, deep down that he was really wanting to tell him about the chair. Because he was just as excited as I am. Right!?!

Thursday, April 7, 2011


I love the beach. Not all that annoying & bright sunshiny crud, but the slightly overcast and gray skies, with just a hint of the sun's rays breaking through them. A cool  breeze and a fresh dump line full of wonderful treasures. Thankfully, we have a beach that is only 25 minutes away.  And every chance I get I go.

This is a favorite view from one of the dunes at the beach, I could sit here all day.

 Just after the dune (at one of the entrance points) is this huge log.  I love nature and this log was beautiful.

 Aww.. the treasures.. well if you look close enough.  Some people like their beach without all the shells and other things.. but for me this is the best part!!

"Scuttles! Scuttles?!" I normally am not interested in the birds, but this seagull looked like an old man, with it's feathers all scruffy and stuff.

Monday, April 4, 2011

Monday, Monday- can't trust that day...

Monday, monday.. sometimes it just turns out that way...

I admit.. it was a lazy day. After getting Peter-Leo off to school, I crawled back into bed and slept in until Kody woke up... which was about  10am. HA! Charlie Sheen isn't the only one "WINNING!"  lol.

 Yummy Strawberry Banana Smoothies! Yum. Yum.

Kody and I enjoying our smoothies.

 Kody and her trains playing on my laptop. Hey, they need to play too.

And, watch Dora The Explorer all comfortable and cozy on our couch together.

And yes, I can still correctly name all of those engines, (starting from the left)
Mavis, Deisel 10, Thomas, Silver Percy, Salty, Percy, Skarloey, and James.

Sunday, April 3, 2011

General Conference Spring 2011

Ok, Saturday sessions were a bust.( I did watch the morning session after the kids went to bed and it was great!!)  And honestly I didn't even try to make them.  But Sunday. We made it through the first session. And no I am not trying the second one. Although I did record all of them that way we have them to watch for FHE (one talk at a time) and for just me to watch. 
I found this idea at several different blog/craft pages.  And I modified it because I was lazy. Instead of hand stenciling cute metal buckets or breaking out my imaginary cricut machine and making dazzling vinyl lettering... I did this. GOOD ENOUGH!! And it worked. All they had to do was listen for 1 of the 5 key words (prophet, family, prayer, Jesus Christ, and temple) and they were able to get a 2-3 pieces from the bag labeled with that word. Brillant!

Here are the kids digging in!

Kody heard another "Jesus Christ" and she went straight to that bag, grabbed her treats!!

Here is a front shot.. Peter-Leo had the blue plate and Kody had the red one. 

This was a good idea.. although I might do a few healthy snacks next time instead of just candy.  It pretty much worked for about the first hour and after that (either the sugar kicked in or they got bored) they started coloring their activity packets.

I tried.

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Adventures With The Stock Family

We are always excited to have old friends come to visit us. And it's even more fun when they spend the night and our kids get to play longer! Yay for the Stocks! While our orginial intent was to go to the Jax Zoo, it was a flippin mad house... and that was just the line to get in. I have NEVER seen the line so long! 
Generally, speaking I am NOT a patient person, but I will wait in long lines when I have to. But I didn't have to... we busted out of that crowded parking lot and jammed over to Ferd-Beach.
I love my beach. It's always amazing what I find and see.  I was blessed to have Amy's great husband Garrin with us.. and he watched my kids (and his own) while Amy and I took off down the beach. Just walking.. in addition to the usual dead jellyfish (although there was this huge monster one like the size of a soccer ball-cool stuff.) we found or saw...

This nice fisherman... caught a bonnethead shark and let me take a photo of it before he released it back into the ocean. Amazing little fella.. CRIKEY!! (in my bestest Steve Irwin voice!)

I saw this in the surf and wondered what it was.. so Amy went and picked it up. This isn't a totally great shot.. but then again I don't have a totally great camera. But that little white/gray spots (on the left side of the blob kind of where it looks like two arms hanging down, yes by there!)  is a teeny tiny shell! There is actual several teeny tiny shells growing/attached to this. CRIKEY!!  Isn't nature AMAZING!

We also found these five hooligans on the beach..

I call this one.. Marilyn at the Beach.  

And lastly, I found these two cute lovebirds. Aren't they adorable??
(I think I just made myself gag! LOL!!)