Monday, April 4, 2011

Monday, Monday- can't trust that day...

Monday, monday.. sometimes it just turns out that way...

I admit.. it was a lazy day. After getting Peter-Leo off to school, I crawled back into bed and slept in until Kody woke up... which was about  10am. HA! Charlie Sheen isn't the only one "WINNING!"  lol.

 Yummy Strawberry Banana Smoothies! Yum. Yum.

Kody and I enjoying our smoothies.

 Kody and her trains playing on my laptop. Hey, they need to play too.

And, watch Dora The Explorer all comfortable and cozy on our couch together.

And yes, I can still correctly name all of those engines, (starting from the left)
Mavis, Deisel 10, Thomas, Silver Percy, Salty, Percy, Skarloey, and James.