Friday, February 3, 2012

A girl, her camera.. and a puffer fish!

Yes, that's right. Just over a week ago I ventured down to the beach for the morning.. you know the usual.. taking photos, looking for lettered olives (a special type of sea shell), and picking up dead puffer fish to take home. WHY?! BECAUSE IT WAS A PUFER FISH! poor little thing, died and washed ashore. I decided his death should not be wasted, his remains must be photographed for all to see (ok mostly for me to remember and to be able to say I touched a puffer fish and lived!)  If you can handle it.. scroll down and see the poor little puffer fish..

Well hello there, ya little cutie!

I guess he was being koi.

This amazing creature was poisonous so gloves were on and caution was very present.  I loved how the spikes were so artistically placed.

This angle of the spikes reminded me of some predator teeth of dinosaurs, sharp and curve for maxium damage!

 Not even the underbelly was safe, he had spikes there too!

The two back fins that helped this little guy motor around!

Side view of Spikey (yes I named the dead puffer fish Spikey!)  The creations of God (or whoever/whatever you believe made this animal) never ceases to amaze me.  Somehow I am lifted by the fact that beauty and awe can be found just about everywhere, even in a little dead puffer fish, named Spikey.