I am very happy to report that for the last two weekends I have been blessed to spend it up at our family friends home about an hour north. They live on a boy scout camp..and while we don't get to ride around on any of the golf carts or use the equipment.. it sure is peaceful out there! Plus we get to see our "peeps!"
The weekend before Halloween we were pleased to be able to watch our friend's son in law be transformed into Frankenstien. Yes, He is that tall. He stands a "short" 6 ft 11 inches. He is a monster. haha!
Frankenstein |
Kody, Erin, and J. |
While we were waiting for night to fall and the Haunted Trail to be prepared... we hung out at Camp Prostrollo. Another family friend came down, the Stock Family. It was so fun to see them!
Peter-Leo and Jonny. Best Bug Buddies!! |
Peter-Leo was extremely excited to see his best bud, Jonny. This two were best friends when we all lived in Hinesville, but our families had more away from there. We are now happy to say Camp Prostrollo is the mid-way point between us!
The following weekend, The Prostrollo's daughter Erin was being honored at their football game. All the graduating seniors who took part in sports were escorted by their parents and announced to the crowd. It was a nice honor for them. The next morning we all got up early (ok, so Erin and I didn't get up early) to celebrate the day with Tia and Roger as they were sealed in temple for all time and eternity! They are a forever family! Yay!
Prostrollos! GO Erin!! |
Kody dancing in the stands as Erin plays! |
Erin performing with her HS marching band!
First family photo in.....ummm.. FOREVER!! |
Two of the best girlfriends a girl could have! LOVE THOSE LADIES! |
The happy little family. |
All in all the last two weekends were such stress relievers! I love CAMP PROSTROLLO!! Someday I will create a camp theme song about Camp Prostrollo! Someday...
Tag! You're It!