Wednesday, March 23, 2011

bunnys and blanket repairs

First, the one crafty thing that I worked on this week was these little glove bunnies. Yes, I said gloves not mittens. Let the two not be confused. According to Webster...
Gloves are : a covering for the hand having separate sections for each of the fingers and the thumb and often extending part way up the arm
Mittens are a covering for the hand and wrist having a separate section for the thumb only
I don't know why I this bothers me so much, but I dislike when people confuse the two. THEY AREN'T THE SAME. Ok, coming down from the soap/whining box and back to the craft.

Bring on the bunnies..

 Here are the four bunnies that I did. I think they turned out cute.

 Awww. Look at the little fluffy bunny behinds, bottoms and butts!

Bunny Buddies. A closer shot of two bunnies.

And once again, Peter-Leo brought me his blanket. The very same one he was given by the Young Women in the ward we lived in at his birth. Those girls (and their leaders) were amazing. It's lasted 9 years so far.  Anywho. The poor blanket has seen better (and less rough) days, but it got another tear. So, more repair work had to be done. Which for my skill set is cutting off the shredded piece and "rebinding" that edge. It was only a bit this time. But it's patched.. for now.

The blanket, edge pinned and ready to sew my straight line.

Yes, I know a photo of a photo isn't great, but it's all I got right now. This is Peter-Leo on his blanket. This is just after we returned home "our" trip to the ER, for jaundice (someone check the spelling for me) where we spent 3 lovely days there. He was in the NICU under the lights and I was back in L&D for an infection. It was a miserable time, but we made it!!