Monday, May 21, 2012

Peter-Leo's 4th Grade Awards

Again, and always, we are so proud of Peter-Leo's accomplishments for the 2011-2012 school year! Fourth grade has been great!  Today, parents were invited to their grade level award ceremony. 
While, he was upset that he did not make the A Honor Roll, because of one B, we were thrilled that he made the A/B Honor Roll! 

He also recieved the award for Highest Math Grade in his class, which was super cool!

Accepting his award from Dr. Goble, principal.
Enough photos mom, enough. That is what that look means, lol.

It was a good year for him.  He did well in everything, school, behavior, and soccer!  We are super proud! I can not believe he starts the fifth grade in August!!

Tag! You're It!