Monday, May 28, 2012

Rain puddles bring the great joy!

This afternoon, between rain showers Kody and I walked down to the pond/lake that is at the entrance to our neighborhood.  We did this mainly to get out of the house for a bit and to give Peter-Leo some space as the sibling rivalry was at an all time high!

At the pond/lake.

This is dollar weed, which is horrible, normally it isn't under water,
but it has rained so much that it is raised the level of the pond to cover a large patch of it! YAY!

And what is one to do with all this rain water?! SPLASH!

Kody was actually checking to see if I was still there taking photos.

Honestly, just let gravity do all the work in emptying out your water filled rain boots!

Walking home after playing in the pond.

It was a fun 40 minutes down at the water, she had fun and it reminded me of the old days when I used to splash and play in the rain.. oh wait.. that was just last week! hee-hee! You are never too old to have fun in rain.

Tag! You're It!