wondering what the heck that means! Me too. Nah. Just kidding. It is a reference to my new attitude of taking steps out of the shadows and into the sunshine. This past few days I have found a few websites and blog pages with different crafty things to make. The old me would have never tried to make any of them. I would have said to myself "nope can't do that. I can't do that as well as...."
I made a simple, plain belt for my son, who has a waistline so small all the pants that are long enough for his spider legs fall down. So the belt helps. And it's made from an old army backpack. Nothing fancy or worth taking a photo but I did it. And it works.
The second thing I started was a quiet book for my daughter. And it is starting to come together. Honestly, not the highest and most perfect thing ever. But then again that's not the point is it?
The third project was a zipper flower necklace.
I posted this same photo on facebook and got one nice comment and that was from my favorite brother in law, Abram. And it was kind of a "I don't have anything good to say so I'll just say my girlfriend would like those types of things. Different." Great. But I tried. And I will be trying again.
I think I am going to take it apart and attach it to a sweater.. or a headband... maybe I will just leave it as it is. You know as a reminder of that at least I tried.