Friday, October 21, 2011

Kody's Pre-k Fall Festival

Ok, seeing that it is soo awful and politically incorrect to have "Halloween" these days.. it is now call "Fall Festival" and children are allowed to dress up as storybook characters, go around to different little games and get a candy treats. Hmmm.

This morning I was able to go to Kody's school and help out with events and after my alloted time I could walk around with Kody. It was a fun time.  Here are a few of the photos.

Getting pumped up to go outside and get SUGAR!!

The traditional bean bag toss.

This is De-Erra, Kody little friend.
They walked and played together for most of the festival.

Kody, aka BatGirl, in the bounce house.
Because what pre-k festival or party is complete without one!

The good old spoon race, with soup ladels and slotted spoons and plastic pumpkins.

Ah! The candy getting fest comes to an end, her class is all lined up and ready to go inside for...

It really was a fun day.  I am glad that I was able to go and be a part of it.  She'll be five in November and I can not believe how fast she has grown! Weeds I tell ya, weeds!!

Tag! you're it!