Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Pink Big Girl Bike for Kody

Again with the leftover money from my Dad, after the tires, we also got Kody a new bike. She was riding her little bike which we got for her years ago. Honestly, it was just too small. She was thrilled, in addition to the PINK LEGOS (see previous post), she loves her bike!

First time around the block on her new wheels!

Honestly, what kid won't want to ride her brand new, clean, pink bike
through the nearest rain puddle!!

This girl for sure! Now that is the look of a happy girl!!

Here is a video of Kody riding her new bike down our street, she is soo excited. This past summer she finally figured out that riding her bike gave her more freedom so was worth the extra time learning how to ride it!! Now, she is hooked!!

We are becoming a family that rides together.  So a new bike for Kody that fit her (plus a little room to grow) was super important. 

Tag! you're it!