So, we have a little bit of money (thanks Pumpkin!) so we got tires for the truck (which was badly needed) and spent a little bit on Kody. Consider it a "early birthday gift" from us!
First, in order to combat the barbie doll fever that is slowly creeping into our house. Let me just say that I have nothing against dolls. Barbie, however, is a different story. One which I will not discuss right now... instead...
we got her PINK LEGOS!!
Building her first person with this set. |
Daddy watches Kody build. |
First little lego girl done!! |
Our resident Lego Building Expert (aka Peter-Leo) comes in to "help."
Now, other than my hatred of Barbie (and all things Barbie related) Kody loves Legos. We do have the larger size ones, but she has quickly outgrown them. And besides, these legos have lots and lots of little tiny bits for me to step on in the middle of the night while checking on her thereby nearly waking her up with my muffled screams of agony!
Tag! you're it!