Friday, April 13, 2012

Life is for the birds: A View from my office desk!

So, since becoming what some friends call "old" and "senior-ish" I have taken to bird watching as of late. Honestly, I quite enjoy it! And honestly, people.. we all should be accepting the long standing theory that dinosaurs (small bipedal species) evolved into birds, so in some form I am not birdwatching I am dinosaur watching!

Here are some of the birds that come to the feeder by my home office window!

The Red Cardinal that comes by!

He is a lovely little fella, who very often hangs out on the feeder,
just looking about. I am not sure why, but he does.

This is the blue jay that flies in, picks at the sunflowers and leaves.
He is a punk.

Here he is, he is obivously too big for the feeder. 
He is notorious for kind of landing on the feeder,
shaking a couple sunflower seeds loose, and flying away.

Of course I see a few grayish doves (aka pigeon) and a ton of brown finches.  Lovely little birds all together and seeing them outside my home office window makes doing homework, paying the bills, or anything else I have to do on the computer bareable!

Tag! You're It!