While, it was fascinating to learn about how the massive 10 story deep limestone sinkhole was created;
it was even more fun to actual go down all 212 steps to the bottom! It was amazing!
Here are some photos of our adventure a few days before Easter. I know I am late posting them, but the photos had a hard time loading. I don't know why, they just did!
Going down! |
Yes that is Kody and Peter-Leo making their way down the stairs. |
View from the bottom looking up to the top! |
The kids and I at the bottom! We made it! |
We saw a few small waterfalls as we walked down.
It was very pretty and calm. |
"Finally! We made it to the bottom!" |
"This is it? I walked down so far and this is it?"
I guess the waterfalls weren't big enough for her! |
Our on way back to the top!
This was the view from the top looking down into the Devil's Millhopper. |
It was a really long drive, 2 hours, for a 40 minute hike! In the end I think it was worth the time stuck in the car to have an opportunity to see such a cool and beautiful thing!
Tag! You're It!