Friday, April 27, 2012

One of My Best Friend's College Graduation!

Last week the mail came and as I trudged out to get it and the bills and junk mail that usually come I spied a fancy envelope from one of my best friends, Dana.  Inside was her graduation announcement and invitation to her graduation ceremony! You must understand, after working for many, many years as a 911 dispatcher she decided to go back to college and get a degree as a radiology tech.  You know that nice person in the hospital that takes your xray.  Anyways, after 3 years, she did it!! She completed her program!  

So, of course we had to drive the 2 hours to be there when she walked across that stage! She is just amazing! Here are a few photos from her ceremony and our family.  As we think of each other that way-family!!

Kody and her sign that read "Congrats Aunt Dana! We love you!

Erin (Dana and Everrett's youngest daughter) and Peter-Leo.
Those two love their freckles!!

Me and Dana! So proud of her!!

Our Family!!
(L to R) Kody, Tia (and her pregnant belly), Everrett, Dana, Monty, Me, Erin and Peter-Leo

After her ceremony we went out to eat and chat! We all agreed that we lived too far away from each other! We miss having them nearby!! We love them!!

Tag! You're It!